Thursday 6 May 2010

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Convetions of Real Media Products?

A Thriller is meant to be a fast pace, action- packed film genre, where usually a Hero must defeat and overcome a more resourceful Villian.

Conventions of real Media was used through-out our thriller opening. Our idea come from inspiration of other gang films. Such as, 'Kidulthood', 'Adulthood', 'Green Street' and 'Football Factory'. We are great fans of these films and was adamant that we do a thriller like the films, to do with troubled youths caught up in gangs. In some scenarios of our thriller we used the P.O.V shots to put the audience in the film, we wanted to use this technique, because films like 'Paranormal Activity', 'Cloverfield' and 'Rec' had such a powerful effect on us, it really grabs the audience. However, this technique has never been used on such a type of thriller (Gang Violence), this is the uniqueness of our extract. We put theses shots in our thriller to give the audience power (a role) of being a witness to a murder.

Gang members in 'Green Street'. Then gang members in our Thriller (Point of View).

We wanted to show more of a horror side to gang violence to raise awareness of the situation, the darkness helped us create a gloomy/ deserted atmosphere to the film and this was in turn meant to give a scary feeling to the audience. At the end of our thriller the shot goes blurry to represent the victim becoming unconscious.

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