Wednesday 5 May 2010

Constructing the Production

We filmed at night to give a gloomy effect. it took us roughly an hour and a half to film the opening to our thriller. We knew that if we had enough that we could cut certain scenes. We took 2 hours editing the way that we wanted. we wanted to do point of view camera shots because we wanted to give the audience the role of being a witness to the savage beating. In the story board, the graphic match was meant to be the moon dissolving into a street lamp, however, we couldn't see the moon due to all the clouds in the sky, so we decided to go from on the streets of a bus light, to a street light.

Some shots we needed to hold steady to show the area where we was filming, but in some scenarios we needed to have unsteady shots to put the audience in the film, so to speak. we used ECU shots to show emotions and long shots to show what the characters are doing. dissolve shots were used through-out the start of our thriller to keep the shots flowing.

The setting of our thriller was in a car park at closing time, so it was empty. Our clothing was mostly black and mysterious to give the effect of darkness. The lack of lighting helped us with the effect that we wanted to get. We used a facial wipe packet as a prop for drugs.

Our graphic match was at the start of the thriller to get straight to the scene.

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