Thursday 6 May 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?

ECU in Preliminary Exercise

The preliminary exercise was a new exciting phase for me, i relished using equipment such as, the video camera, tripod and editing software. I felt like a real professional and that i was my own boss. When we finished filming our preliminary exercise, i just wanted to get on a complete the thriller coursework. It helped me vary camera shots that i wanted to do and got me used to the editing software. Using a tri-pod helped us hold a steady shot. We used steady shots for ECU's and over the shoulder shots.

ECU in our Thriller movie


What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

It was my first time ever using an iMac at the start of this year. As we was on a tight schedule, i had to adapt quickly to the software. A Friend of mine was a natural at the iMovie application so he showed me all the tricks and all the different types of media you could use. after using this for a period of time, it became quite easy for me to start editing, before i knew it, i was a natural. It was also my first time using, but it wasn't difficult to understand.

I relished using equipment such as, the video camera, tripod and editing software.

How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

I believe it attracts the audience because they know that gangs are around them wherever the go during the night, even sometimes during the day. So the victim in the film could easily be them. In the wrong place at the wrong time. All films to do with young gang violence is popular in the UK. Young people are attracted to it.

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

If our film made the cut then it would be certificate 15 or maybe even 18. this is because of the language and action that we would have in the rest of the film. This means that our target age group would be between the ages 15-20, all the actors used in our thriller are the age 16-17, this could also be an influence to make more young adults come to see the film. I believe that the end of our thriller makes you want to see the rest of the film.

Thriller Interviews

What Kid of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

First thing that we will do is make a trailer and also a website that promotes the film. Seen as our thriller is targeting teenagers, we know that they are forever on social networking sites, so we will advertise all over them, by making groups putting it in statuses, putting the trailers on posts, hyperlinks placed on our website. Therefore, we will attract many teenagers.

The Microwave Scheme;
this is a scheme that promotes british film-makers. The scheme provides them with money that they need, but they can't exceed more than £100,000. they have a short amount of time to Produce a finished film. it is a london-based company that wants to encourage amatuer film-makers.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our Thriller all the characters are male, this is for three reasons. One of the reasons is that Males have always been main characters until recently, women were used as a damsels in distress. Another reason is women are not usually in caught up in gang violence. Furthermore, the main gender we was targeting was male as they are usually attracted to these type of gang violence films. The main plot of our thriller is a male being murdered by 5 males because he saw a drug deal happen.

We have targeted the teenagers as this is their type of film. After seeing the success of 'Kidulthood' and 'Adulthood' we knew that this is what young people want to see.

Poster to KiDULTHOOD

ethnicity was restricted as i didn't want people being offended and thinking that this was a racial thriller. Therefore, we was adamant that the victim had to be a caucasian male, we used all types of ethnicity in the gang members because we didn't want to stereotype on certain in a gang.

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Convetions of Real Media Products?

A Thriller is meant to be a fast pace, action- packed film genre, where usually a Hero must defeat and overcome a more resourceful Villian.

Conventions of real Media was used through-out our thriller opening. Our idea come from inspiration of other gang films. Such as, 'Kidulthood', 'Adulthood', 'Green Street' and 'Football Factory'. We are great fans of these films and was adamant that we do a thriller like the films, to do with troubled youths caught up in gangs. In some scenarios of our thriller we used the P.O.V shots to put the audience in the film, we wanted to use this technique, because films like 'Paranormal Activity', 'Cloverfield' and 'Rec' had such a powerful effect on us, it really grabs the audience. However, this technique has never been used on such a type of thriller (Gang Violence), this is the uniqueness of our extract. We put theses shots in our thriller to give the audience power (a role) of being a witness to a murder.

Gang members in 'Green Street'. Then gang members in our Thriller (Point of View).

We wanted to show more of a horror side to gang violence to raise awareness of the situation, the darkness helped us create a gloomy/ deserted atmosphere to the film and this was in turn meant to give a scary feeling to the audience. At the end of our thriller the shot goes blurry to represent the victim becoming unconscious.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Constructing the Production

We filmed at night to give a gloomy effect. it took us roughly an hour and a half to film the opening to our thriller. We knew that if we had enough that we could cut certain scenes. We took 2 hours editing the way that we wanted. we wanted to do point of view camera shots because we wanted to give the audience the role of being a witness to the savage beating. In the story board, the graphic match was meant to be the moon dissolving into a street lamp, however, we couldn't see the moon due to all the clouds in the sky, so we decided to go from on the streets of a bus light, to a street light.

Some shots we needed to hold steady to show the area where we was filming, but in some scenarios we needed to have unsteady shots to put the audience in the film, so to speak. we used ECU shots to show emotions and long shots to show what the characters are doing. dissolve shots were used through-out the start of our thriller to keep the shots flowing.

The setting of our thriller was in a car park at closing time, so it was empty. Our clothing was mostly black and mysterious to give the effect of darkness. The lack of lighting helped us with the effect that we wanted to get. We used a facial wipe packet as a prop for drugs.

Our graphic match was at the start of the thriller to get straight to the scene.

Friday 30 April 2010

Planning and Organisation

The first few shots of our thriller is to show the audience a rough idea of a run down deserted area.

The basic idea of our thriller is to give the audience a feeling that they are alone and have nowhere to hide. We chose to do the main setting of our thriller in a deserted car park because it gives the audience the feeling that they are helpless with nobody to help them.

We decided early on that we was going to begin filming at night to help with the gloomy mood that we was trying to get across.

The blurry effect in the end of the thriller opening is to show what kind of vision the victim is seeing, to put the audience in the victims shoes.

thriller Opening

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Video of Health and Risk Assessment

few images of where we want to avoid when filming our thriller opening

Thriller Research

We viewed many films to get ideas for our own thriller and see what makes a good thriller. From edge of the seat thrilling action scenes, to all the different types of filming techniques. this was one of the films we watched and we believed this was the best thriller.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Animatic/ Storyboard

Here is our 'Animatic'. It shows a series of shots which will help us understand how to shoot the opening to our thriller.

The quality of the camera's were not too great, and therefore the images are not in focus. There are on notes on the end ofeach shot to explain in more detail what is going on.

We have noted down the type of shots we would like to include, from Graphic Matches to Montage Theory.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


Click here to take survey

Thriller Ideas- Brainstorm

We all decided to put all of our own ideas into brainstorm. This helped decide on what is the best idea for our thriller, it also made us understand what all of the group wanted to create.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Thriller Conventions

1) A crime at the core of the narrative. (often murder, but not necessarily)

2) A complex narrative structure, with false paths, clues and resolutions.

3) A narrative pattern of establishing enigmas which the viewer expects to be resolved

4) A protagonist who is systematically disempowered and drawn into complex web of intrigue by the antagonist.

5) Extraordinary events happening in ordinary situations.

6) Themes of identity

7) Themes of mirroring

8) themes of voyeurism

9) Protagonist with a flow of which is exploited by the antagonist.

10) titles are often a scene near the end of the film in which the protagonist is in peril.

Health and risk Assessment

1) No filming in appropriate locations.

2) Check safety of locations, e.g Roads.

3) reduce risk of theft of equipment.

4) When filming on a location ensure a teacher or responsible adult knows where you are and have a telephone number that they can contact you on, and also inform them when you will return.

5) Check all equipment is working before you leave.

6) Ensure you have permission for filming on certain premises.

7) Always film with at least one other person.

8) Ensure you have permission from those who you are filming.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Alfred Hitchcock

Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock is known by many as one of the best filmmakers by creating suspense in films that fit into the ‘thriller’ genre. Although, he never stated off as a filmmaker. Hitchcock used to work for a cable company before becoming obsessed with photography; he then stated working in film production as a title card designer, this company then became Paramount Pictures. The owner of this offered him a full time role as a title designer in 1920. It took him five more years to become a film director. Even though he was born in England, Hitchcock spent most of his life filmmaking in America, and eventually moved to Hollywood. He was born in Leytonstone, London on the 13th of August 1899. He received his American citizenship in 1956 while also retaining his British citizenship.
Between 1940 and 1976 he made thirty two American/British films. His film career started with ‘Rebecca’ and the career ended with his film ‘Family Plot’, he did have another film planned to come out after this called ‘the short Night’ but due to his health issues it became impossible for him, He died of kidney failure in 1980. During his film career he had made many films that are still being watched and admired to this day. His classic films are ‘Psycho’ and ‘Shadow of a Doubt’.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Today we finished our Preliminary exercise. Together, we have learned how to edit videos, use different camera shots in a scene and know what actors to choose.

When we began editing our video, we had to import certain parts of the video separately so it would become easier for us to change things. We also started learning how to add titles and sound affects to the video to make it more entertaining.

Due to the preliminary exercise, we was able to do all types of camera shots like, wide shots, close ups, ECUs and over the shoulder shots. this gives the video a load of variety when being watched.

next time we create a video, we will plan more, and get the right actors for the scenario, and make sure they understand what we want from them and supply them with a script to learn to get the best out of our idea, for a thriller.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

thriller is a broad genre of literature, film and television that includes numerous and often overlapping sub genres. thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action and resourceful heroes who thwart the plans of more powerful and better equiped villians.

Devices such as suspense, red herrings and cliffhangers are used extensively. a thriller is a villian driven plot, whereby he presents obstacles the hero must overcome. the genre is flexible and can engage the audience through a dramatic rendering. Hitchcocks' said, thrillers allow the audience, '' To put their toe in cold water of fear to see what its like.''

thrillers often take place in exotic setting such as foreign cities. Heroes are frequently hard men. Heroes are usually men but now women heroes are becoming more popular in films.

thrillers may be dfined by the primary mood that creates fearful excitement. In short, if it 'thrills', then it is a thriller. As the introduction to a major anthology explains.
In this course i will be watching all different types of thrillers. i will research and analyse the films to get a great understanding to making a exciting opening to a thriller.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Welcome to my Media Studies coursework blog. My name is Matthew Maloney and i am going to be making an introduction to a thriller.
