Thursday 6 May 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?

ECU in Preliminary Exercise

The preliminary exercise was a new exciting phase for me, i relished using equipment such as, the video camera, tripod and editing software. I felt like a real professional and that i was my own boss. When we finished filming our preliminary exercise, i just wanted to get on a complete the thriller coursework. It helped me vary camera shots that i wanted to do and got me used to the editing software. Using a tri-pod helped us hold a steady shot. We used steady shots for ECU's and over the shoulder shots.

ECU in our Thriller movie


What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

It was my first time ever using an iMac at the start of this year. As we was on a tight schedule, i had to adapt quickly to the software. A Friend of mine was a natural at the iMovie application so he showed me all the tricks and all the different types of media you could use. after using this for a period of time, it became quite easy for me to start editing, before i knew it, i was a natural. It was also my first time using, but it wasn't difficult to understand.

I relished using equipment such as, the video camera, tripod and editing software.

How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

I believe it attracts the audience because they know that gangs are around them wherever the go during the night, even sometimes during the day. So the victim in the film could easily be them. In the wrong place at the wrong time. All films to do with young gang violence is popular in the UK. Young people are attracted to it.

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

If our film made the cut then it would be certificate 15 or maybe even 18. this is because of the language and action that we would have in the rest of the film. This means that our target age group would be between the ages 15-20, all the actors used in our thriller are the age 16-17, this could also be an influence to make more young adults come to see the film. I believe that the end of our thriller makes you want to see the rest of the film.

Thriller Interviews
