Tuesday 30 March 2010

Video of Health and Risk Assessment

few images of where we want to avoid when filming our thriller opening

Thriller Research

We viewed many films to get ideas for our own thriller and see what makes a good thriller. From edge of the seat thrilling action scenes, to all the different types of filming techniques. this was one of the films we watched and we believed this was the best thriller.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Animatic/ Storyboard

Here is our 'Animatic'. It shows a series of shots which will help us understand how to shoot the opening to our thriller.

The quality of the camera's were not too great, and therefore the images are not in focus. There are on notes on the end ofeach shot to explain in more detail what is going on.

We have noted down the type of shots we would like to include, from Graphic Matches to Montage Theory.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


Click here to take survey

Thriller Ideas- Brainstorm

We all decided to put all of our own ideas into brainstorm. This helped decide on what is the best idea for our thriller, it also made us understand what all of the group wanted to create.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Thriller Conventions

1) A crime at the core of the narrative. (often murder, but not necessarily)

2) A complex narrative structure, with false paths, clues and resolutions.

3) A narrative pattern of establishing enigmas which the viewer expects to be resolved

4) A protagonist who is systematically disempowered and drawn into complex web of intrigue by the antagonist.

5) Extraordinary events happening in ordinary situations.

6) Themes of identity

7) Themes of mirroring

8) themes of voyeurism

9) Protagonist with a flow of which is exploited by the antagonist.

10) titles are often a scene near the end of the film in which the protagonist is in peril.

Health and risk Assessment

1) No filming in appropriate locations.

2) Check safety of locations, e.g Roads.

3) reduce risk of theft of equipment.

4) When filming on a location ensure a teacher or responsible adult knows where you are and have a telephone number that they can contact you on, and also inform them when you will return.

5) Check all equipment is working before you leave.

6) Ensure you have permission for filming on certain premises.

7) Always film with at least one other person.

8) Ensure you have permission from those who you are filming.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Alfred Hitchcock

Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock is known by many as one of the best filmmakers by creating suspense in films that fit into the ‘thriller’ genre. Although, he never stated off as a filmmaker. Hitchcock used to work for a cable company before becoming obsessed with photography; he then stated working in film production as a title card designer, this company then became Paramount Pictures. The owner of this offered him a full time role as a title designer in 1920. It took him five more years to become a film director. Even though he was born in England, Hitchcock spent most of his life filmmaking in America, and eventually moved to Hollywood. He was born in Leytonstone, London on the 13th of August 1899. He received his American citizenship in 1956 while also retaining his British citizenship.
Between 1940 and 1976 he made thirty two American/British films. His film career started with ‘Rebecca’ and the career ended with his film ‘Family Plot’, he did have another film planned to come out after this called ‘the short Night’ but due to his health issues it became impossible for him, He died of kidney failure in 1980. During his film career he had made many films that are still being watched and admired to this day. His classic films are ‘Psycho’ and ‘Shadow of a Doubt’.
