Wednesday 24 February 2010

Today we finished our Preliminary exercise. Together, we have learned how to edit videos, use different camera shots in a scene and know what actors to choose.

When we began editing our video, we had to import certain parts of the video separately so it would become easier for us to change things. We also started learning how to add titles and sound affects to the video to make it more entertaining.

Due to the preliminary exercise, we was able to do all types of camera shots like, wide shots, close ups, ECUs and over the shoulder shots. this gives the video a load of variety when being watched.

next time we create a video, we will plan more, and get the right actors for the scenario, and make sure they understand what we want from them and supply them with a script to learn to get the best out of our idea, for a thriller.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

thriller is a broad genre of literature, film and television that includes numerous and often overlapping sub genres. thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action and resourceful heroes who thwart the plans of more powerful and better equiped villians.

Devices such as suspense, red herrings and cliffhangers are used extensively. a thriller is a villian driven plot, whereby he presents obstacles the hero must overcome. the genre is flexible and can engage the audience through a dramatic rendering. Hitchcocks' said, thrillers allow the audience, '' To put their toe in cold water of fear to see what its like.''

thrillers often take place in exotic setting such as foreign cities. Heroes are frequently hard men. Heroes are usually men but now women heroes are becoming more popular in films.

thrillers may be dfined by the primary mood that creates fearful excitement. In short, if it 'thrills', then it is a thriller. As the introduction to a major anthology explains.
In this course i will be watching all different types of thrillers. i will research and analyse the films to get a great understanding to making a exciting opening to a thriller.
